Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2010«

Integration Testing in Seam

February 26, 2010


Once you are done with the unit testing for the individual layers in Seam, you would like to check the complete vertical slice. There are a couple of ways to do integration testing Integration Testing the application through the code using JUnit. Integration Testing the application through the UI using frameworks like Fitnesse and Selenium. […]

Unit Testing Action Classes in Seam

February 26, 2010


As we had already seen in the Recommended Seam Architecture, the UI event handling is done with the help of Action classes. These are Seam Action classes and their main purpose is UI event handling and handling the presentation logic. Testing action classes in Seam is not very different from the way we test the […]

Modularising pages.xml for a Seam Application

February 19, 2010


If you are developing an enterprise application with Seam then chances are that you would end up with a huge pages.xml file. Fortunately seam gives you an easy way to modularise it. The easy way is to split your existing pages.xml into smaller sub.pages.xml depending on the functionality/modules and then include the following in the […]

Unit Testing the Service Layer in Seam

February 19, 2010


In our last post we discussed about how to unit test the DB layer in Seam. Let us see how easy it is to test the service layer now. When you are unit testing the service layer, then ideally you would only want to test the service layer. What that means is that we should […]

Unit Testing DB Layer in Seam

February 19, 2010


In our earlier post we talked about the preferred Seam architecture for an enterprise. As you would notice from various Seam forums that Seam would advocate thick objects and would not recommend the layered architecture for various applications. However, if you are working in an enterprise and want to adopt Seam for application development then […]

Conditional Injection in Seam

February 17, 2010


Recently we got into a situation which required us to handle conditional injection. The use case is pretty simple. There can be multiple classes of Users say Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise and Small Enterprise. Depending on the class of the user the functionality would change. There could be some restrictions for the small scale users […]

What is the Right Architecture for a Seam Application?

February 16, 2010


JBoss Seam is a new application framework for building Web 2.0 applications. It provides a framework to unify and integrate various technologies like Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), Java Server Faces (JSF), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB3), Java Portlets and Business Process Management (BPM). Ideally, you should be able to create a well structured application using […]

Installing TATA Photon+ on Ubuntu

February 7, 2010


Installing Tata Photon+ on Ubuntu is easier than what you would do on Windows$. Follow the steps Connect the photon to the Laptop Goto Preferences -> Network Connections -> Mobile Broadband Click Add It would automatically detect that the device is provided by Huwei

Mirroring a Site for Offline Browsing

February 5, 2010


Use Wget to mirror a site with the following option wget –mirror -w 2 -p –html-extension –convert-links -P . do a wget –help for more information on the command –mirror:  Specifies to mirror the site.  Wget will recursively follow all links on the site and download all necessary files.  It will also only get […]

Finding File(s) With Specified Text on Linux

February 4, 2010


grep command form (syntax) grep “text string to search” directory-path Current Directory –> $ grep "offset" ./*.txt Directories Recursively –> Search for a text string all files under each directory, recursively with -r option: $ grep -r "offset" /home/vhazrati Only Filenames–> Pass -H option to print the filename for each match. $ grep -H -r […]