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Could not calculate build plan: Missing: maven-resources-plugin:maven-plugin:2.4.1

June 26, 2010


Recently I encountered this weird problem when i was trying to build a project after installing the m2eclipse plugin on my eclipse galileo. Build id: 20100218-1602 The problem was that when i built the project from command line, it was just working fine, however, as soon as I built the project from eclipse, eclipse started […]

QuickTip : Generating project structure using Maven

January 28, 2008


When you are starting a new project it is very easy to get started if the project structure can be built for you. Maven provides a plugin called maven-archetype-plugin which can help you generate the desired project structure depending on the application that you are trying to build. The Archetype Plugin allows the user to […]

Adding project nature to your Maven pom.xml

December 22, 2007


Let us assume that you have a maven based project. This would mean you have a pom.xml if you are using maven 2. Now if you execute mvn eclipse:eclipse the maven eclipse plugin generated the required .classpath and .project files so that your project can become a first class eclipse project. However, by default the […]

QuickTip : How to increase the Java heap memory for Maven 2 on linux

July 26, 2007


If you get an error OutOfMemory error while doing mvn site, because of all the reports that you are generating, just increase the heap size for maven2. The way to do that on linux. In your add this as the first line after the copyright and other comments. export MAVEN_OPTS=”-Xmx512m” note than Maven 2.0.6 […]