Browsing All posts tagged under »Akka actor«

Power of Parallel Processing in Akka

September 19, 2011


If you have been following the Inphina blog and our work with Scala related technologies, you would have noticed a spurt in our blog feeds. The reason being that we have recently come out of a very successful massively scalable framework created with Akka. Inphina holds an active stake in the product and the details […]

Akka Actors on Mac beating the S#!t Out of my Dell

August 26, 2011


Let me explain the scenario. We have n (tens, hundreds or thousands) of Akka actors listening to a queue on RabbitMQ server. So the scenario looks something like this As you would notice, each of the actors gets a message from the Q and invokes a plugin to do the processing and returns the results […]