Browsing All Posts published on »February 16th, 2009«

Getting Ready for SaaS

February 16, 2009


With the current economic situation, more often than not, organizations would be evaluating various options available to get more for the buck. 2009 would be remembered as an year where almost everybody is keeping their fingers crossed and praying to finish the year unscathed. Given the current scenario the SaaS model fits well with the […]

If Multi-Tasking is bad, Multi-Tasking with Multi-Reporting is Hell

February 16, 2009


There have been numerous studies to show that multi-tasking is not efficient and the human brain cannot multi-task efficiently. If we say that it is then we are deluding. Multi-tasking is less efficient, due to the need to switch gears for each new task, and the switch back again. It involves a lot of context […]