QuickTip: Ignoring some jars from getting assembled in SBT 0.10x

Posted on Thursday, September 1, 2011


We are using sbt-onejar and as expected but not intended all the jars along with thier transitive dependencies were getting included in the jar. This was giving us several warnings like

JarClassLoader: Warning: org/hamcrest/BaseDescription.class in lib/mockito-all-1.8.5.jar is hidden by lib/junit-4.7.jar (with different bytecode)
JarClassLoader: Warning: org/hamcrest/BaseMatcher.class in lib/mockito-all-1.8.5.jar is hidden by lib/junit-4.7.jar (with different bytecode)

when we we executing code.

To remove this, you need to have the intransitive() suffixed to the dependency like this

libraryDependencies += “org.scalatest” % “scalatest_2.9.0” % “1.6.1” intransitive()

libraryDependencies += “org.specs2” % “specs2_2.9.0-1” % “1.5”

libraryDependencies += “org.clapper” % “classutil_2.9.0” % “0.3.6”

libraryDependencies += “org.clapper” % “avsl_2.9.0” % “0.3.2”

libraryDependencies += “org.jsoup” % “jsoup” % “1.6.1” intransitive()

You would do it for all the dependencies where you have some jars which could be stepping on the toes of others because of transitive dependency.

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Posted in: Java